Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Good news, it's not cancer! All tests came back negative for recurrance. What a relief. Next stop, back to my primary. I'm still having the bloating, tight feeling in my abdomin so my oncologist is handing me over to someone else. Since it's not cancer related, it's out of his hands. I got the report from that last CT scan and found what they really saw: Duodenal wall thickening, possible duodenitis. Its a G.I. thing. The reason for the ultra sound was because there was a soft tissue density mass in the pelvis, but that turned out to be nothing.

Tomorrow, I get to see a Gynecological Oncologist. Not sure what to expect. But I was told it's better to be followed by a gyn onc.


At 11/16/2012 2:37 AM, Anonymous Pamelabree said...

I mention these locations because I can personally give you my official taste bud validation. The eagle on the reverse is bad enough, but putting a shield on its chest truly destroys any artistry that I might have begrudgingly given it. Sounds innocent enough but there is a hitch in this that has very serious ramifications for the price of gold.IMF regulations stipulate that anyone leasing gold to another financial institution must keep that gold on its balance sheet as an asset.


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