Monday, September 26, 2005

my aching back

On Saturday, I went to a women health fair in walnut creek. I went there to help out manning the NOCC (National Ovarian Cancer Coalition) table. It was a good experience for me. I was able to talk to alot of women about ovarian cancer and my experiences with it. All of the women were surprised that I was so young. But I told them that I've met younger and that it seems like ovarian cancer is no longer just for old women. I'm looking forward to doing something like that again.

While I was there at the health fair, I got a free spinal check. I've been having back pain for quite sometime now (maybe since highschool). So I figured, since I'm trying to be intuned to my body, I should get my back check out to see why my back is hurting so much. Plus it's FREE. and I like free. It turns out my spine is off pretty bad. I learned that chiropractic can help with immune system, blood flow, and get rid of this pain in my neck and shoulders. Well, my health insurance doesn't cover chiropractic. But I found out that there is this chiropractic college here in Hayward (Life Chiropractic College West). Someone told me that if there's a school, there's gotta be a need for "models" for the students to practice on (like a beauty school needs hair models). So I went to their website to try to find some information on this. This school actually has a health center right inside the college. They call it a learning facility. Kinda reminds me of House MD. I called them and had my first exam today. What happens is, I'm assigned an intern who will be my primary care, and he'll consult with the real doctors there about my case. This is so much cheaper than going to a real office. Plus there's more than one person taking care of me.

I'm actually excited about this. I'm finally going to get rid of this pain in my neck! And it should increase my recovery time.


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