Saturday, September 10, 2005

My first post

Ok, my other journal has taken it's beating. It was getting too many hits and it's shutting down each day. So here I am at a "real" blogging site. I guess I should have started this earlier.
check out my original journal at:

It's 9:30am, sitting at the Ramada Limited Sea World in sunny San Diego. My vacation is going well. My legs took a beating yeterday after a day at Sea World. Today we're heading out to Seaport Village, Balboa Park and driving down to the border. It's cloudy today, but the temperature is still nice.
Well it looks like it's time to head out again. Just wanted to add my first post before I leave. I'll try to add pictures as soon as I can figure out how this works.


At 9/11/2005 11:39 AM, Blogger Danielle said...


I just want to say I have been following your other blog since you created it. You are a strong woman. Some of your posts made me cry. I am glad you are done yuor chemo. I hope this means less sickness for you. Stay Strong Gurl. I feel like i know yuo I have been reading you for so long. I hope and pray you are okay and this all passes.


At 9/12/2005 11:12 PM, Blogger Linda V said...

Thanks Danielle. It feels great not having chemo running through my viens. No more nausea. The only aches and pains I'm getting right now is from my stiff muscles. But that'll get better in time. Atleast it's not so bad that I need vicodin to numb the pain. I'm just so happy that I can enjoy food again. I'm not stuck in bed any more. and NO MORE NEEDLES! well, just for blood draws every 3 months.

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