Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm not a mutant!

Today I got the results back from my genetic test. I'm not sure if I mentioned that I did the test. Well let me sum it up: Back in December my gyn onc recommended I take a genetic test BRCA1 & 2. I saw a genetic counselor who explained to me what is involved with this test. This test analyzes specific genes for genetic changes called mutations. If I test positive for this mutated gene, I am at a higher risk of also getting Breast cancer. Since I got Ovarian cancer at such a young age and there's no known history of cancer in my family, there was a possibility that I carried this mutated gene. Pretty scary stuff.

So the test results came in today and it came back: NO MUTATION DETECTED. *Yay!* That is such a relief to know I don't carry this mutated gene. Well, actually... it's none DETECTED. The fine print says there's still a chance that there is a mutation that current technology cannot detect. In which case, I have to keep up on the newest research on genetic testings.


At 2/09/2006 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Congratulations on not being a mutant!

That is excellent news.

May the good luck continue.

All the best,


At 2/11/2006 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats great news!!! Enjoy being mutant free


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